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Excellent Abortion Services at affordable prices

Abortion clinic Johannesburg given the convenience and privacy of this treatment, medical abortions using “the Abortion Pill” for terminating early pregnancies continues to be the preferred option for many of our patients.

Where it’s necessary we offer In-Office abortions (Surgical Abortion) by using the vacuum aspiration method, the most common method of abortion available today. The procedure involves the gradual widening of the cervix followed by the insertion of a thin flexible tube attached to a vacuum aspirator, which gently removes the uterine contents.

Lowest Cost Abortion Pill and Shortest Wait Times

We offer women the ability to make their own personal decision in a clean, safe, and confidential way. We believe each woman should have the opportunity to make her own choice and our female staff and physicians are professionally trained and ready to help you.

Get a legal abortion at the Abortion clinics Johannesburg one of South Africa’s best professional Legal Abortion clinics. 

Where can I go for T.O.P? Come to Us, No Matter What: Dr Roux Abortion Clinic.

In our centres, we deliver high-quality, specialized care that is safe, supportive, and convenient. With a new model of early-term abortion care, clients who come into our centres can find relief, strength, and confidence.

Pregnant and not sure what to do? That can be scary, but you’re not alone. The professional, caring staff at Dr Roux Abortion Clinics will give you all the straight-up information you need. We help you make the right decision for you. Therefore No pressure, no judgment. Most importantly Just support.

Whatever your circumstances, it’s your right to terminate up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Because It’s entirely your decision, and if it’s something you want to do, rest assured that’s it’s legal in South Africa. Therefore No one can halt your decision.


Free Consultation

At Dr Roux, Abortion Clinic Pregnancy termination that is carried out correctly should not affect you. Pregnant and not sure what to do? That can be scary, but you’re not alone. The professional, caring staff at Abortion Clinic Johannesburg will give you all the straight-up information you need. We help you make the right decision for you. Therefore No pressure, no judgment. Most importantly Just support.

Most women are able to go home an hour or two after the procedure has been completed.

Set up an appointment using the button below, or call us any time at +27715913918 and we’ll work with you to find a convenient appointment time!

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In-Clinic Procedure

In Clinic Abortion / Termination

There are several types of surgical terminations. Surgical (In-clinic abortion) works by using suction to take a pregnancy out of your uterus. There are a couple of kinds of in-clinic abortion procedures. Your doctor or nurse will know which type is right for you, depending on how far you are into your pregnancy could be.

Suction abortion (also called vacuum aspiration) is the most common type of in-clinic abortion. Abortion Clinic Country View

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) is another kind of in-clinic abortion procedure typically done in later weeks. It uses suction and medical tools to empty your uterus. 

Both types have risks and side effects and greatly vary depending on your gestation and health

Termination Pills

Medical Abortion Pills

Medical abortion — also called the abortion pill — is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy.  

A medical abortion can be brought about by taking medications that will end a pregnancy. There are several types of medication. The medication is very effective and it works the same day. Most importantly After a medical abortion, you should be able to resume your normal activities. Most women do not need to miss work to complete a medical abortion.

The specific cost of an abortion depends on the type of procedure and the size of the baby, which are based on gestational age. The price rises as pregnancy progress. Johannesburg Women’s Medical Center specializes in first and second-trimester abortion care up to 22 weeks in pregnancy.

“Abortion might not be the right choice for everyone,
but still, everyone has the right to make their own choice”

About Dr Roux Abortion Clinic Johanneburg

  • +27815275503
  • info@abortionclinicjohannesburg.co.za
  • Fox and Ellof Street

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